Site News

Release change log


Please see detailed change list below.

- Minimal image/avatar size is now 60 for classics (except for "view profile" page main photo), small images in lists for premiums and classics are shown the same size now

- Allow only NORMAL or UNKNOWN photo classification for Primary Image. No Naughty images allowed.

- Homepage blocks are now moveable

- Added AJAX code to allow translation of almost any element on all the pages by any member (non-english cultures), can be turned off in Web.config.

- Review Profiles page: added ability to work with non-english cultures using google translation

- Almost the very full localization added with 15 new languages. Profiles are now allowed to be written in native language. Reviewer section now contains their auto-translation by google. Help, tips and site news are auto-translated now, blog moods and profile keywords taken from localtext.DLL.

- Added search by language to advanced search

- Added ability to re-check bad/good/naughty primary images: memberMedia table now contains field [isChecked]. A member may choose only "normal" images now as a primary ones. An email is sent to member when primary image passed as bad or naughty.

- Review primary image page added with change classification / fail / delete options in admin interface

- Admin area: reviewed media images are not cropped anymore and made bigger

- Bug fixed while reviewing blog post (because attachedMedia = '0' instead of '')

- Admin area: review alert popup added for support team

- Active member subscription will be cancelled after member pay new subscription

- Bug fixed in regular expression which strips emoticons

- Bug fixed with keywordsCloud

- Changes to fix the long phrases issue with design (finnish language bug)

- Search ordered by passportID now

- Admin area: added page to manage old member reviews

- Added Translation by Google for most localized areas

- Added localization to Tips, Helps and Chat, admin interface and DB structure totally changed.

- Bug fixed: was not possible to create QuickSwingEvent if deleted future one existed

- Design of forums and blogs: 'rate it' with attached media design bug fixed (was showing in 1 row)

- Added new SPs to deal with accept/fail forum posts

- Take off the OLD point system for members in forum - "Newbie" and members rating

- Added new setting - to view my profile as pic or avatar

- Bug fixed with location control (state was not cleared after click "Locate me")

- Validate email link added to signup email templates

- Signup: gender drop-down is hidden now on page 2 if membertype on page 1 was male or female

- Settings tab is now clickable

- Quick Swing: showing specific 'looking for' types when adding new quick swing event

- Signup1f page fixed (flags, styles)

- Admin\Refund Tx

- "Logout" button now takes one line in the top menu

- (who's online): Classics can view all but can't filter

- (invite to chat): showing for all but linked to upgrade page bug fixed

- Made fixed width for Quick swing buttons area (to avoid hiding Quick swing header)

- Signup: Male looking for Male turns default sexuality to Gay

- Admin - media review: now sends email alert when admin passes/failes media

- Fixed bug with site language changing

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